Dental Crowns & Dental Bridge
Dental Crowns & Dental Bridges in Torrensville, Thebarton, Mile End, Hilton, Underdale, Hindmarsh, Welland, Allenby Gardens and Flinders Park

Metal-free ceramic crowns are much more aesthetically pleasing than ones with a metal lining. Modern ceramic materials have equal strength to metal lined ceramics and can be used for a variety of situations.
When preparing a tooth for a crown, we do our utmost to preserve as much as the healthy tooth substance as possible. The enamel of the tooth is the hardest structure in the body, and as such, it needs to be preserved to give the tooth its stability and strength. Cutting the enamel to place a ceramic crown is counter-intuitive. It is better to use a material that allows us to remove the diseased part of the tooth and the old fillings and leave what healthy part we have left, intact. Modern ceramics like the same-day crown system used in our practices allows for this flexibility. It makes it possible to be “minimally invasive” and increase the lifespan of your tooth.
When do you need a Crown?
Ceramic Crowns are often recommended for teeth that have had root canal treatment. A root canal treated tooth is more brittle than a “vital” tooth. This means that a root canal treated tooth can break easily. A crown can prevent this devastating fractures that can lead to tooth loss.
When indicated, ceramic crowns can be used for front teeth that are heavily filled or chipped. They produce amazing results and are a useful tool for the aesthetic improvement of a smile. Dr Des has been creating beautiful smile makeovers using ceramic veneers and crowns for many years and can advise you if you are a suitable candidate for the treatment.
Examples below are actual patients of Dr Des. Results can vary.


When do you need a bridge?
When there are missing teeth in a dental arch, function (chewing) and aesthetics can both be affected. The remaining teeth may also drift into the empty spaces. This can change a patient’s occlusion and reduce alignment of the remaining teeth. A bridge is a permanent option to restore the spaces, and hence restore function and aesthetics for the patient.
What to Expect
The Cerec crown is polished and cemented onto your tooth all in the one visit, saving you valuable time and effort.